What was my reaction? I felt incensed and cross-eyed with ire at such a purposeful and dishonest misrepresentation. After watching it three or four times, I downloaded the file to my drive ... for "future reference" ... so I can watch it again and again, any time, and amuse myself whenever the mood hits.
Then my anger began fading as the novelty wore off and I got curious about finding more material like it. Why? Just so I could see what the critics are saying. For entertainment purposes, you see.
I won't include the link here, but the same youtube poster maintains a virtual museum of videos "to show you what happens when the church does not remain faithful to correct preaching and teaching of the scriptures."
I strongly disagree with that self-righteous assessment of his efforts, but ventured into the museum regardless ... and the more I watched his anonymous assaults (and there are plenty), the more angry and aroused I became. Passionate, even, to jump on his assumptions and start wailing away on his smugness.
But then I stopped and asked myself, "Why on earth are you even watching this stuff?"
And I realized the answer is easy: because videos like that amount to religious porn ... because pornography is any lurid, sensational material intended to titillate or to cause arousal ... which exactly describes my anger-reaction to seeing it.
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"Religion" is often confused with Faith, especially when religion replaces Faith and becomes man's attempt to reach up to God and achieve salvation. But salvation isn't available, nor can it be earned, through any religion: Salvation is only through Christ and his sacrifice on the cross ... because God reached down to us.
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So is this virtual museum of idolatry (and bloggers attempting to create acclaim for themselves by tearing down other believers and blistering their pastors) serving God and making the name of Jesus Christ famous ... or merely creating dissension in the body by peddling sanctimonious smut?