Monday, February 23, 2009

Just one more thing I thought I'd never see

(Monday morning blog lite: marina neighborhood news)

It's been windy here, sometimes gusting to 60mph, for almost a week. It's been so windy that trash gets blown from all over the Inner Harbor and winds [sorry] up stuck here around the docks.

So this past weekend the trash boat (technically, a "trash skimmer") came cruising down the fairway between adjoining docks and got busy skimming the trash mangroves from between boats before the morasses of driftwood, tree limbs, lumber planks, plastic bottles and assorted amalgamations of suburban debris grew large enough to become floating islands and a menace to navigation.

  • Regular readers already know I love, and am a great fan of, trashboats of every description. You can watch a real TrashCat video here.

(above: UMI Trash Skimmer clearing debris along the promenade in Baltimore's Inner Harbor)

Further Reflections on Trash Skimmers

I suppose the name trash skimmer was chosen because it's pretty straight forward and self-explanatory when itemized in a city council's budget request. But a brand like The Trash Shark or The Dock Mess Monster would make every port authority practically start drooling to have one.

(above: a UMI TrashCat operating at the heart of Baltimore's waterfront tourist area, the Inner Harbor. TrashCat photos from