If you haven't already visited, be sure to catch tomorrow's 11:15 service on the New Spring web campus.
If you're a returning visitor, then you probably can't wait to catch the next message in the I Want A New Marriage series and you'll be watching the seconds tick off long before 11:15 AM.
And if you've already visited and think the web campus is the most exciting thing to happen to the internet since the dial-up modem, chances are you'll be up at 6:00 AM and staring at your computer screen (watching the seconds tick off till 11:15 AM).
And if you're up at 6 AM, have already prayed, had breakfast, walked the dog, read Campus Pastor Nick's blog, downloaded and printed the study guide, checked out the web campus blog, had two double espressos, e-mailed links to Perry's blog to all your friends and start getting fidgety, grab your binoculars and take a look up at the sky.
Because folks in the 29624* area code can catch a glimpse of the lost $100,000 International Space Station tool bag as it floats by, 150 miles in orbit overhead. Here's where and when to look:
Here's a video of the backpack-sized tool bag in orbit:
And while you're gazing up into that big, infinite sky, if you start wondering "What's my role?" or "Where do I fit in the universe?" then please take time to remember "Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don't be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows."
Come and see what God has done,
how awesome his works in man's behalf!
how awesome his works in man's behalf!
- Psalm 66:5
* Tool bag gazing times for other zip codes available here.