Saturday, February 14, 2009

Sorry, I'm just a little stuck around the edges

No matter what you may think of my skills (or aptitude) as a marine mechanic/plumber/electrician, I'd be the very first to tell you I'm really not very good at spreading goo.

Whether it's 3M 5200 adhesive, caulk, silicone, JB Weld, Bondo, di-electric compound, fiberglass resin or carpenter's glue, I'm genetically pre-disposed to doing a horrifically bad job and making a big mess.  But being ever-optimistic, I don't let that stop me from trying.

So yesterday afternoon I mixed up a big heapin' batch of white marine epoxy and began touching up some of the little nicks, scratches, pinholes and gouges in Calypso's fiberglass hull. 

To make a long story short, it's been almost 32 hours since I stopped working and cast my epoxy spatula aside.  And since then, I've been finding traces of white epoxy in the most unlikely places.  It keeps showing up in places where you'd never expect to see it.

On the rims of drinking glasses, on TV remotes, keys, door handles, tools and in my nose.  I can't help wondering Where did that come from? even though I can't hide from the answer:  White epoxy could only come from one source ... me.

Yes sir, sin is like that, too.  Even if you think other people can't see it, sin has a way of sticking to everything it touches, and showing up where you'd least expect to see it.  Sin separates us from God.

And like a bad epoxy job, sin can't be blamed on anyone else.

My dear children, I write this to you so that you will not sin. But if anybody does sin, we have one who speaks to the Father in our defense—Jesus Christ, the Righteous One.
- 1 John 2:1