2. Temptation is never coy or illusive, never slams a door in my face and never has "other plans" ... Sin always picks up on the first ring
3. Temptation tells me to Go Ahead, you'll feel better if you do ... about myself, my situation or my future ... because "It's only natural to want the things you want"
4. Temptation can whisper "Yes, it's OK ..." loud enough to drown out the voice screaming Consequences!
5.Temptation has my unlisted number and ignores Call Waiting
6. Neither Sin nor Temptation created me
7. Sin is an obstacle and cannot make me happy, improve me, satisfy me ... or save me from eternity
9. God hates Sin, because Sin separates me from him and from his perfect plan for my life
10. The inevitable outcome of Temptation and Sin can only be more Temptation ... and more Sin.