When your dog gets sick you call the vet; when your kid gets sick you dial up the pediatrician.
And when your boat gets sick you hunt down Dr. Mike.
Merely by listening to an idling engine Dr. Mike can tell you stuff you'd need a manual and a factory technician to explain ... and after 2 years his diagnoses are still averaging 99.999%.
"Dr. Mike" knows his stuff.
Mike is a marine mechanic who plans to retire in a few years and spend some time living aboard his cabin cruiser while exploring the intercoastal waterway ... and picking up odd repair jobs along the way to help offset expenses.
I ran into Mike on the docks this afternoon and asked him how long a boat should be "self-sufficient" (contain its own water, fuel, food, etc., without having to return to shore) for that type of adventure [hint: I've been gearing Ben to live "off the hook" for 3-5 days at a time].
His answer made my head spin, which is why I'm mentioning it here.
30 Days.
That's right, 30 days.
Proving once again I drop the ball every time it comes to the Vision Thing.
The other thing I'm sharing is that Mike's son & I go to the same place on Sundays ... and we're both more-than-hoping Mike comes this Sunday, too.