Sunday, September 17, 2006

Stone Believer

Pounder might be logging off soon ... I've been thinking about doing the same thing, and on September 13 she lists all the right reasons far better than I could.

I'm not gonna describe growing up in Tampa ... or say anything about the goldfish pond at The Spanish Garden (gone) or The Cafe Seville or The Columbia or about standing in line with nobody who spoke English at The Cafe Mercedes in Ybor City (gone) ... or mention Robles Park or anything at all about the Gasparilla Knight Parade through Ybor City.

What about Malios? I was never been there. I won't even mention The Valencia Gardens in passing ... because you weren't there, either.

Puuuh-lease don't read anything more into any song on The Playlist than what's there ... they're only songs I've liked for a long time.

Here's one more ... with a vocal by Mike Pinera (who coincidentally happens to be from Tampa).

Iron Butterfly - Metamorphosis
"Stone Believer"


People wanna know why The Playlist is full of such old songs. Here's why:

Because even Disco had more conviction and integrity than what's being packaged/branded/merchandised today.