According to evolution we're all pretty much nothing more than intelligent, highly-specialized dirt. Therefore according to evolution, we're absolved of responsibility for being born separated from God.
Because evolution argues that my skull is filled with dirt, some pictures might be helpful as we go along:
According to evolution some dirt got real lucky, and evolved into
Other, less fortunate dirt evolved into
Certainly, evolving into a pig or a monkey is not the dirt's fault.
So if some dirt can evolve into hogs and chimpanzees while other dirt gets lucky and evolves into Angelina Jolie, then according to evolution there's no harm and no foul if some of us evolve into being born heterosexual and while others evolve into being born gay.
If we accept evolution, here's a person evolved from dirt.
The man above says he's gay and argues that he can't change ... because he was born that way.
But let's keep going, and skip to someone else. Here's someone who was born into sin.
He was imperfect, led an imperfect life, and couldn't help being born that way.
For comparison here's a third person, a former sinner transformed by Grace through Jesus Christ into eternal life. Even though all this person's sins are forgiven, he still struggles every day with lust, greed, anger, jealousy, worry, doubt and selfishishness and many more ...because he was born that way . The difference is the man shown below accepts and tries to live in acknowledgement that sin separates him from God.
The man pictured above is different because doesn't give up or acquiesce to his sinful nature. Faith in Jesus Christ will not allow him the easy, self-serving escape of apologzing "I was born a sinner and can't help myself."
Even though it's completely true that he was born that way- into sin- and can't help himself.
But then neither can you help yourself. You need more than self-help books, support groups, or therapy ... much less the pitiful coping skills you were born with.
Somehow it's hard to believe that Christ's forgiveness extends to every imaginable manifestation of sin ... yet somehow excludes homosexuality. Because gays argue they were born that way.
Were homosexuals really "born that way"? I dunno, but what's even more important is, I don't care. The invasive, self-destructive control sexuality exerts and imposes on your life doesn't make the Creator of the universe so much as break a sweat on an August afternoon.
God's much bigger than your sexual identity and He understands an entire universe more than you do, ya know?
More than that, He loves you more than it's possible for you to love yourself.
Beimg born that way is no excuse for the way you're living. It's the poor-pitiful-me way out ... a trap that allows guilt, shame and frustration to transform an obsession with "lifestyle" into a needless and permanent burden.
Look, whether heterosexual or gay we were all born severely screwed-up ... and landed on the floor in the Delivery Room knowing exactly how to lie, be intentionally arrogant and cruel, how to cheat, steal, fantasize and have irresponsible sex ... even how to commit murder to get what we want. No one had to teach us how because it is our nature.
Regardless of our sexual orientation we were all born into the same condition. Even if our sins are different, we all fell short equally.
Yet God's love and forgiveness through Christ is infinite and inclusive for everyone who accepts Him.
Don't paint yourself into an eternal corner with popular, mainstream excuses about being born that way. God's more powerful than you. God wants you to be on His side ... and all you gotta do is ask.
Right now.