Which made me realize my closest friends all share at least one common trait (besides NS) : an amazingly funny, almost diabolical sense of humor.
Phran (not her real name) is one of them. Add roommate Ashlee (also not her real name) doing her mythical Courtney-at-a-fraternity-party impression to a telephone conversation and I'm on the floor rolling, crying ... begging them to like, aaaa stop right now, you knooow, like so totally.
Last night I practically choked with jocundity reading over these lines, taken verbatim from Phran's e-mails over the past two months ... not describing the context only adds to the merriment.
-Wow I'm such a nerd. Already I am addicted to blogging
-Like Ewww, Ohhhhh, ahhhhh its like Joe Hall, ya'll....yeah, totally so like
-This is us. We've gone cyber!
soon we should be able to figure this out and get some pictures on it.
-Like Ewww, ooooo I just like got up from my nap and like oh my gosh like
-Mr. Separated drove us. He seemed to have a good time. I don't know yet what I think of him as a person. I think he has
ADD. hmmmmmmmm...........
I am about to go to french right now.
What are you doing today?
-She is looney toones. She is going off the rails on the crazy train.
-The Wedding Singer is on VH1 if you can tear yourself away from Fox News.
My favorite:
-Went to the health center and got some drugs.
Call me around 9 my phone should be turned on.
- Like eeeewwww, oooh, I soooo totally hope your phoooone feels better soooon, like, ya knoowwww.
-oh sugar
perhaps i should have googled it.
-Hmmm.... I wonder.
-and you could see Emu the roommate.
From Thoughts From The Dollhouse
-I have decided football games and just walking around campus in general would be so much better if I have Chanel sunglasses. Not to mention what an improvement it would be on driving.
-I would enjoy Mondays more if I were a Pineapple Paradise Pony.
-We are living like death is coming. We went to class at 12:20 and now intend on not leaving our suite for the rest of the evening.
-Je aime le colour le rouse, le violet et l'orange. Mon chien's appelle est Morgan. Je voudrais lire un roman.
Is any of this really useful?
-Here are the phrases I need to know to navigate my way around France:
Which way to the Chanel store?
Does this train go to San Tropez?
It's not big enough.
More please.
Take me to the Ritz.
-He was thrown out and we were not.
-On Our Playlist For Today:Come On Eileen
Rock Lobster
-Well, The Frashleys are off to class!