Sunday night Perry told the congregation, "People want to know why New Spring keeps on growing? It's because we preach the gospel of Jesus Christ."
"Was Sunday really that big of a deal???
A little perspective....
* Newspring had a larger crowd Sunday than nine Division 1 football games did on Saturday.
* There were more at Newspring Sunday than the Florida Marlins actual average attendance this year.
* More than the Kansas City Royals actual attendance as they hosted division leader Detroit Tigers yesterday.
* More than the population of the cities of Camden, Clinton, Dillon,Fort Mill, Seneca, York, Abbeville, Belton, Honea Path, Iva, Liberty and 180 other South Carolina cities.
*Newspring had more Sunday than the total population of Jews or Muslims in South Carolina.
*Newspring had more in attendance Sunday than the registered members of all other Baptist churches in our zip code....combined.
* There were almost as many people at Newspring as there are pages in the IRS Tax code (9,000 pages)
* Based on U.S. averages, if every person in attendance Sunday were to join hand in hand and stretch as far apart as they could, you would have a continuous chain of people almost nine miles long! That's a line of people from NewSpring to the Anderson Courthouse and then to the Anderson Mall!
* Everyone that was saved Sunday could join hand in hand and make an entire loop around a running track (1/4 mile).
Was Sunday big? Uh, yeah, I'd say it was."
-reprinted courtesy AVCLUB.US
Sunday's message available here.