We're scorching earth quickly tonight ... so have The Playlist cued up in advance:
Terraplane Blues (repeat as necessary; volume as required)
-Robert Johnson
8:08 AM - 9:00 AM - phone call with attorney (The Electric City hates me)
9:20 AM - pick up at Mr. Alternator
9: 25 AM - arrive marina
11:15 AM - Doctor Mike throws his tools (and my car keys) over the side and announces, "I hate boats."
(Folks, I can't make this stuff up.)
12:10 PM -order new regulator
3:03 PM - McCoy. Petition for go-carts
3:04 PM - McCoy prevails
3:10 - 4:10 PM - Frashleys
4:37 PM - pick up regulator
Hey Baby Department
Switch Playlist:
Rebel Rebel
-Seu Jorge
5:10 PM - consult with Mr. Barrett, The Blue Book's marine decorative design consultant
6:00 PM - install regulator
6:01 PM - fry regulator by switching battery selector to "On"
6:02 - 6:03 PM - roll around on dock sobbing, kicking, removing hair by the handfuls. Replace clothes with sack cloth; probably terminally embarrassed Mr. Barrett
6:04 PM - throw my tools (and Mr. Barrett's car keys) over the side and announce, "I hate boats"
7:30-present - decompress with Allman Brothers Mountain Jam
note: it's better than hell.
"Prison Break" Update
Wilbur just got back from LA, after doing a 3-hour read-through with Brad Pitt for "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button"
What's That In The Mirror?
I hate shaving. No more. I refuse to do it.
Tattoo para Usted?
I want one. I'm ready. Give it to me.
In Real Life, does anyone ever really say "woohoo"?
Woohoo, ya'll. Yo.
Heard Any Good Songs Lately?
And I feel so lonesome
you hear me when I moan
When I feel so dock-bound
You hear me when I moan
Who been drivin' my little trawler
and burning parts since I been gone
I'd said untie me right now, mama
your horn won't even blow
(Somebody's been runnin' my batteries down on this machine)
I even flash my lights, mama
this outdrive won't even lower
Got a short in this connection
hoo-well, babe, it's way down below the waterline
I'm on'h'ist your regulator, mama
I'm bound to check your oil
I'm on'h'ist your alternator, mama-mmm
I'm bound to check your oil
I got a woman that I'm lovin'
way down in Slip Number Four.
Now, you know the coils ain't even buzzin'
little Volvo won't get the spark
Motor's in a bad condition, you gotta have
these batteries charged
But I'm cryin', Mike please
Mike plea-hease don't send another bill
Sylvia you got me tied up on the dockside
you-hoo since I've been gone
Mr. Marina man
plea-hease don't laugh out loud
Puh hee hee
plea-hease don't shut me down
Cause The Kid's re'ist'rin a cold one hundred
and I'm booked out to Zomzbie
and right now I got to go
Mmm mmm
mmm mmm mmm
You ooo ooo ooo
You hear me weep and moan
I been tied up on dry ground too long
you-hoo since The Kid's been gone
I'm on get deep down in this connection
keep tanglin' with your wires
I'm on get deep down in this connection
hoo-well, keep tanglin' with these wires
And when I mash down on your little starter
then your spark plug will give me fire.