A DC/AC inverter is an electronic device that "boosts" 12 volts (like your car) up to 110 volts (like you use at home). Of course, you need lots (I mean LOTS) of batteries to make enough power to run, say, a water heater or air conditioner.
Like, enough to literally melt an industrial-sized wrench in a micro-second if it fell across the battery terminals.
All the BIG house boats have BIG inverters to run stuff like TVs, stereos and blenders. What baffles me is that nobody bothers fusing the circuit: if a short circuit happened you'd see battery cables become swinging arc welders capable of burning through the bottom of a boat hull like warm Jello.
I don't understand why nobody fuses their inverter circuit. Nobody.
As you've probably already guessed, I've got the biggest inverter of all. Other inverters overload and run home with their battery lugs between their legs once they've seen mine. Even Mike says nobody needs that much power ... and walks away whispering under his breath.
My inverter makes batteries dance and skip inside their wiring harnesses. My inverter's so big it makes AVCLUB shudder (and that's saying a lot). Calypso is practically its own Van de Graaff generator (and I need that, believe me). My inverter is THE MAN of all inverters.
SO NATURALLY I've got my inverter circuit fused, right?
Oh heck no.
Because Nobody fuses their inverter circuit. Right?