Skimming to hit the bigs ...
-At 9:30 yesterday morning I had the opportunity to speak at The Boat Church about mission work in Tanzania. I played a DVD copy on my laptop of a short video about my 2005 visit with Vernon and Mary Smith and realized a concrete fact:
Hardly any of the 30+ people there could either see or hear the video. My little Dell and its 11" screen performed as designed, but it's designed for video editing & production in the field ... not for group presentations in bright sunlight. My notebook failed because it just wasn't the right tool for the job.
Video projector screens and auditorium-filling sound systems aren't cheap, but that's what it takes to provide a dependable, distraction-free presentation to large audiences. Hardly a luxury or unnecessary extravagance when your message is important enough to be communicated clearly & effectively. Half-measures don't quite get the job done, no matter how earnest the intentions.
-11:15 at The Spring and I don't mind groveling & begging. Just go one time. Please. (Also worth checking this out on Tuesday night.)
-Lunch with Fran in Australia. Well, sorta. I felt like a lowly glutton after gorging on coconut shrimp, French onion soup, chicken strip appetizers and a NY Strip (with fries) when the check came and her boyfriend comp'd our meal (including tip). Thank you, Shawn. Not only for lunch ... but for trusting, too. It counts for a lot.
-After lunch we headed to West Marine, Best Buy, Express (investigating a timely tip from ORP), V's Secret (I diverted to Radio Shack, mostly), one other place I forget and then Old Navy.
Two hours of shopping and putting stuff back on the shelf.
-Starving again three hours later when I got back to the marina, so I ended up killing a 6.5-ounce can of Planter's peanuts while checking email. With Frito's scoops. Yss, I'm sorry for setting a bad dietary example. (But never buy just one can of salted peanuts)
-Getting caught up on LOST by watching Season 3.