Wow. A few minutes ago I was driving back to the marina and something so simple occurred to me it nearly turned me into a 2-legged train wreck.
Ladies, if you start thinking "you're serious about" a guy and he:
-Can't pay for your date
-Can't afford to buy your clothes
-Can't make ALL your car payments
-Won't pay for ALL your insurance
-Can't pay his own rent
-Won't share paying off your tuition
-Can't put a roof over your head (and put your name on the deed)
-Won't participate in paying off your credit cards
-Can't afford to buy groceries for one person and pay the rent
-Has as little to do with your family as he possibly can
-Doesn't treat you like you're the best human thing that ever happened to him
-Won't put the biggest durn diamond ring he can afford on your finger to let the world know "This woman is taken ... because she's worth being with and keeping for a lifetime" ...
Then why the heck would you be willing to let your body become the latest available receptacle for his emotional/moral/spiritual shortcomings? Aren't ya worth just a little bit more than that?
Just asking.