Monday, June 4, 2007

What's WRONG with you guys?!

Jamie drove us to Calypso Saturday night after dinner to watch a movie. I got the front seat so when Emilay headed for the rear door I opened it for her.

She froze, looked up at me and said, "I've never had a guy do that before." I bristled and said, "If a man won't open your car door then stand there and wait until he does."

Emilay shrugged, "I've never been on a date with a man. I've only been out with boys."

Exactly right. She's two weeks away from turning 16 but Emilay's point was right on the money. Only boys don't know to open a door for a lady.

Call me weird or whatever but if my daughter was about to leave home on a date and I saw her reaching to open her own car door, I'm afraid I'd become spectacularly aerodynamic and launch for his car at Mach speed.

Because her date just showed me he's clueless about how I'd expect my daughter to be treated. He'd also have shown me there's at least one minor flaw in his upbringing ... and I don't want my daughter around him long enough to find out about his majors.

Ignorance when it comes to knowing how to treat a lady is no excuse. It should be common sense to be concerned and take care of everything that's important to you.

Even a buzzard knows better than to poop in its own nest.

I'm a guy, it's my blog and ultimately I'm accountable for what goes here. Which means I'm free to say things your dad might find uncomfortable or embarrassing.

Things I'd Want My Daughter (if I had one) to Know About Boys, Men and All Life Forms In-between:

-If he doesn't know how to treat you when it comes to small things like opening a car door, he won't know how to treat you when big things come rolling around either. So don't act surprised when it happens.

-A guy who asks you to pay for part of your date (or worse, asks you to lend him money) does so because he's already spent his money on something he wants for himself. Which indicates your position on his emotional totem pole.

-A guy who uses a credit card on a date (or uses one to buy you a gift) is letting you know right away he's a LOSER ... and can't afford spending time with you.

-A guy who leaves his cell on during a date is telling you he's leaving the door open for something really important and more interesting than you to step into his life. Like, someone worth being with and turning his phone off for.

-Lies are like roaches. For every one you find, there's 50 more that only come out when it's dark.

-You may think you can, but you'll never have the tools necessary to fix the things you see wrong with a guy. Men are incapable of being trained and unless there's divine intervention, his attitude and behavior is preprogrammed to accelerate from Bad to Worse. He'll actually think he's "just being a guy" and likes what he's doing at the time. Trust me.

-Any guy who will intentionally hurt a woman, whether physically or emotionally, needs to be crated up and shipped back to his parents for Remedial Potty Training ... because I don't want him leaving his messes in my daughter's life.

-In general, men tend to lie for the sake of expediency while women lie to spare someone's feelings. But when lying becomes an easy habit and a man starts lying to spare someone's feelings (or a woman starts lying for expediency) then that marriage, relationship or whatever has passed a critical Point of No Return because it's impossible to communicate with a partner who thinks they've discovered something slicker than the truth.

-Even the smallest lie or deception is a mile marker on the road to unfaithfulness and adultery.

-A guy who gets high or drunk while he's with you is actually saying Man, you're boring as dirt to be around.

-A guy who'd suggest to a girl that they watch porn together is emotionally incapable of both monogamy and commitment. Period, no discussion. No matter what Dr. Ruth says.

-Left to themselves, 99% of men would try to have sex with a rock pile if they thought a snake might be hiding somewhere inside. If he seems pitiful and can't control himself with you, or blames "weakness" for "the moment," ever wondered in what other areas and moments he's lacking self control? Like when he's drunk & pilfering your purse for money, and finds your best friend's number instead?

-Any guy who can't keep his hands off you (or who wants you putting your hands on him) behaves exactly the same way with whoever he goes out with. He's also demonstrating he's got a short attention span and thinks Wow, you're Boring ... unless you're getting naked and busy satisfying his sexual needs.

-Never never never start dating any guy who's less in love with Christ than you are. Never ever and don't even try to pretend.