Tuesday, June 12, 2007

So Who's at Fault?


Whether it's a close friend or someone we only know from the movies, soon as we hear the word "Divorce" it's almost human instinct that all other business gets set aside and our personal priorities put on hold ... for as long as it takes to figure out What Happened?

Until we've determined to our personal satisfaction Who's to Blame? Here's my opinion.

In 99.99% of divorces it's the man who's at fault.

What? What?! How can I say such a thing?

Think about it: divorce is an inevitable consequence, a ruinous outcome of having made a severe error of judgment in the first place. Divorced guys, the first place mistake was asking her to marry you.

You wouldn't have gotten married otherwise, ain't that right? And if you'd never been married, then divorce would be a silly consideration. So stop blaming anyone else.

Whatever happened during your marriage ... whether she was a frigid witch, turned out to be a gold digger or literally Just like her Mom, was unfaithful or worse, you were unfaithful, is all irrelevant ... because she couldn't have said YES! unless you'd proposed.

Man, what a knuckle-head you can be when you pay attention to yourself.

Anyway, a man should know better than to light a match near the gas pump, and then wonder why the world's turned orange ... and started smelling like smoke.

What about the other .01% of divorces?

That small percentage represents husbands who were proposed to by their wives. So I'll agree that No, they're not at fault ... they're doubly at fault.


(1) For lacking the courage to do what men do, which is Guttin'-Up-n-Proposing

(2) For lacking spine and saying Yes.

Infidelity is the only legitimate reason we're given for divorce. But even then, falling short a little bit isn't what God intended. Because forgiveness has no limits, do ya think?

Tonight's "Guys, How's It Feeling?" Playlist:
Respect - Otis Redding