Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Atheism: the last superstition

The History Channel is airing The Universe: Parallel Universes ...  about quantum physics and science's latest take on the nature of "Reality."

I've already seen it; it's amazing.  The show is so comprehensive, yet so concise in its presentation of complex and anti-common sense material, that I'm recording it to DVD ... because I want to give every one of my atheist friends an opportunity to see it.

Why?  I'd be eager to hear an atheist continue to pedantically embrace a "Naturalistic," or "I can't see God so He must not exist" dialectic after being exposed to "Infinite Universe Theory," String Theory and/or M-Theory.

After all, Quantum Physics has led to science's best current depictions, and explanations, of the nature of Reality.

And then I'd like to hear an atheist try to explain how they know God doesn't exist, why God couldn't be infinite, and why atheism isn't the last, and perhaps the Ultimate, superstition.

Talk about collapsing their wave function.

I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.
- Revelation 22:13