Saturday, December 20, 2008

High and Mighty

What caused convicted murderers (and Mormon Fundamentalists) Ron and Dan Lafferty to become so firmly convinced that God had begun speaking directly to them through "revelations" ... which included a commandment to kill a 24-year old woman (below) and her infant child?

Could be that their judgement was impaired by the repeated use of mind-altering intoxicants, which contributed to their conviction that God had chosen them for a very peculiar role ... to commit multiple murders ... while protecting and serving His kingdom. 

Raised in a strictly abstemious family, Ron Lafferty (above) was first introduced to wine at age 42, and described it as giving him "a nice, mellow feeling that 'heightened his strength of spirit.'"   

Soon thereafter, Lafferty began insisting that wine be served, instead of water or juice, during the sacrement that began each church meeting.

After he began smoking marijuana in 1984, Dan Lafferty (above) said "I felt I was having my heart and mind opened to something much more mysterious and serious than I had ever imagined."

Getting baked, Dan observed, was "much like becoming a child and being introduced into a whole new world ... I've concluded that the scripture which says, 'Unless you become like a little child, you can't see the Kingdom of Heaven' is another secret reference to getting high; as is also the mysterious account of Moses seeing God through the burning bush." Krakauer, p. 178

For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, slander.
- Matthew 15:19
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According to Mormom Fundamentalist Alex Joseph (now deceased) of the Confederate States of the Exiled Nations of Israel, "Jesus was a visionary seaman and was crucified by the Romans after He discovered the secret of transoceanic navigation."
 - Krakauer, p. 180