So far as our duty to "stamp out evil" is concerned, Christ lived and walked in human form for 33 years ... and could've "stamped out evil" once and for all in about a billionth of a nanosecond if that's what He'd intended.
Uh oh, somebody out there is already smirking and wondering, "Then why was Jesus here?"
For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.
- John 3:17
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After He ascended into Heaven, the church was to be Christ's body here on earth ... commissioned to continue His ministry of spreading the gospel: not to provide a spiritual country club rewarding our private ambitions, not to become a political party, not a place to glorify each other with extravagant funerals, not a place for believers to huddle-up, hide and feel superior to sin (and sinners), and not a place to provide a public piety forum wherein thou dost fabricate new self-righteous rules from whole cloth ... by protesting, boycotting and condemning all forms of evil, excepteth thine own.
Guess what- Christ is coming back- He told us so and that means it's guaranteed- and when He does, He said it's gonna be with both barrels loaded, to stamp out evil once and for all and establish His reign forever ... with no short-cuts, no voting, no church budget issues, no committees, no Bake Sales, no boycotts, no Organ Prelude in C# Minor, no "The membership says maybe next year" ... and with No Help or Advice From Thee required.
And since I believe Christ wasn't kidding when He said He's coming back to eliminate sin and evil forever, I also believe He meant what He said about His church ... and what it should be until then.