Monday, December 8, 2008

Blogging Ain't Free

(personal opinion)

Never mind gasoline, central air and heat, cell phones and TV.   

Nor am I talking about essential stuff like electricity, warm clothes, running water and well-stocked grocery stores.   We take those things for granted and don't spend much time thinking about where they come from, or why we have ... or much less deserve... any of those luxuries in the first place.

Yep, I said Luxuries: it's estimated 75% of the world's population has never made a phone call.  For most of the world, there's not much hope of ever owning a car, a computer, or even a refrigerator ... and clean water is a luxury. 

But I'm not talking about stuff: I'm talking about something as mundane and inconsequential as Blogging.

Blogging.  My personal web journal, splashed all over the InterWeb for anybody with a computer to see.  My life. My Opinions. My Gripes and Grudges.  My Perspective as I choose to depict it.  

As more and more people started blogging, the more blogs began reading like they were written with indifference, grogginess, boredom, contempt for the reader ... and maybe a touch of indigestion, too.  [Ok.  So like I'm embarrassed of my own grammer. I know its none to good to start with, you know so I won't mention nobody elses out there neither!  So OK cause like I'm embarrassed alot already enough as it is! So Im just sayin!]

If there's one thing that's transparent in the Blogosphere, it's a Lack of Conviction.  Not just about cogent writing: it's an appallingly complacent lassitude ... about Everything.

"Hey Joe!  If you don't like my blog don't read it!  I mean, what's the big deal?"


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Newspapers (like The Tribune Company; announced earlier today) are going OOB faster than a four-tailed mule can swat flies ... because today's modern consumer wants what little news he/she cares about reading served quick & easy.  Spoon-fed, in juicy bite-sized pieces ... from mother web.

Writing and reading- much less thinking about reading and writing- is too much work and simply takes too much time.  Like, what difference does it make anyway?  I have such a busy life!  Really I do! And my opinion about stuff 's still just as good as somebody else's!  So.

I must be old and pertinacious, yo.

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Cuba recently enacted a new crackdown.  Not only on what, when and where bloggers can post, but on where bloggers can travel.  No kidding: a violation could earn a lengthy stay at the Morro Castle, or its equivalent.

OMG prison, IOW.

Say what?  That's sooo lame!  Like what's the big deal if I wanna blog about My Bad Hair Day, or about how long I had to stand in line to get a new PlayStation!

Could be that Cuba's communist government understands, and has already seen, that Blogging can be ubiquitous, powerful and far-reaching in its impact: fair warning that we should never take Blogging, or its easy availability, for granted.  

Else we could find ourselves impuissant, and lose the privilege entirely.

So.  And like, wouldn't that be a bummer?

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