--Quantities strictly limited, absolutely no rain checks!!
- First come first served!!!
I hate opening my mail box and seeing sales flyers, especially when they're splashed with red letters implying the offer is so sweet, it's likely to be withdrawn at any time ... never to be available again, at any price. Not anywhere.
Except maybe a month later on ebay, for a fraction of the price.
Sales pitches like the ones mentioned above are designed to make the buyer feel smart, to assure him or her that he/she belongs to an exclusive group of savy shoppers who know a great deal when they see one.
The same kind of hype is even worse on TV. The "special promotions" are introduced with a somber voice-over proclaiming, "This offer will not be repeated. Be the envy of all your friends! Act now!"
Sometimes I do Act Now, by changing channels. Or by going outside to see which way the wind's blowing.
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"Be the envy of all your friends"? Is that a smart reason to buy anything?
Unless your life-purpose is to be envied.
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Ever been to a church where the members acted like you'd invaded their private clubhouse, or been treated indifferently by deacons who'd rather keep the secret of the Heaven's Handshake to themselves?
Ever tried talking to a pastor who looked up and down at your clothes first, and then grimmaced as though you'd just stepped in from raking manure?
What makes church people act like that? Like they were the first to hear about Christ and Salvation ... but now that they're in Heaven's Members Only Club, time's expired & the gift of Salvation will Never Be Available Again.
Did Christ ever tell the disciples, "After accepting Me and entering the kingdom, slam the door shut behind you"?
Was Christ crucified so we could create steering committees to decide what socio-economic group is the most convenient, or the most fashionable and lucrative, for our church will appeal to?
Did Christ die in our place to leave us more free time to form cliques, and ostracize other believers for being different or not looking or dressing like us?
Was Christ resurrected to give us the authority to turn up our noses at whoever's not "good enough" to sit on the pew beside us?
Then Jesus, still teaching in the temple courts, cried out, "Yes, you know me, and you know where I am from. I am not here on my own, but he who sent me is true. You do not know him, but I know him because I am from him and he sent me."
- John 7:27-29
Right. Christ was teaching in the temple, crying out to the self-righteous when He said "You do not know him."