Saturday, December 13, 2008

UFO Crashes near subdivision off County Line Road! Object remains in clear sight -- Sheriff describes it as "Huge" and "Definitely not of this world"

I Can't Wait to See Jesus:   Part 3

Wonder how many folks might throw on their shoes, skip church and thunder off in the family mini-van toward County Line Road with cell phone camera in hand ... if given the chance to finally get a good close-up look at a real UFO for themselves?

Sound silly?

What about folks who skip church because their team played in a bowl game that ran late on Saturday night?

Is that different?

Ok, what about folks who skip church because they've got family visiting over the holidays ... and it's just too much of a hassle to get everybody fed, dressed and ready in time to get to church?  (Never mind the expense of having to take everybody to lunch at your favorite joint afterwards.)

How bad do people really want to see Jesus?

"Hey Joe, you're taking this way too seriously.  I mean, Bowl Games are only played once a year.  My team doesn't get to go that often ... and next Sunday church will still be there."

"Next Sunday my family won't be around anymore, but church will."

"Joe, you're absolutely right.  I would skip church to see a real UFO if one crashed nearby. Because seeing a UFO first hand would change the way we think, not just about the world, but about everything in the universe.  And besides ... "

Wait, I already know the answer: "Next week, church'll still be there."

Yep, but you might not be.  

Just sayin'.

Can you imagine standing before God's throne, glancing up at His face and the first thing He says is, "So how about that field goal with three seconds left to go in the fourth?"

Just sayin', ya'll.    :-)

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Expect to see something HUGE and "out of this world" every Sunday.