Saturday, January 9, 2010

Oprah Viewer Awaiting Instructions

Actress/writer and Chicago resident Robyn Okrant decided that for one full year she would follow the advice of Oprah Winfrey to see if it genuinely improved her life. She started a blog entitled "Living Oprah" to keep track of her progress.


Living Oprah Quotes

"I am not attempting to prove Oprah wrong or right but I am trying to encourage women, highly susceptible to the media's influence, to question the sources."Robyn Okrant2

"On one hand, I am concerned about the manner in which power is wielded by celebrities and on the other hand, I am doubly concerned about how willing we are to hand over our power to our gurus."—Robyn Okrant1

"I'm interested in seeing what happens when an average American woman... tries to keep up with Oprah's advice to (as her website touts) 'live your best life.'"—Robyn Okrant1

Hey, wait a minute.

If Oprah, Eckhart Tolle and Anthony Robbins all died in a plane crash together on their way to the latest groundbreaking mind-opening self-help seminar, who would you turn to for answers then?

Who would you call if your life depended on it?