Monday, January 18, 2010


(blog lite)

Yesterday afternoon I went across the street to buy some fresh produce and, looking at what the store had on its shelves, wish I'd had a camera with me.

Three dollars a pound for pinkish tomatoes that were so small I could pick out three of the biggest and hold all three in my hand at the same time. "Giant" Avocados the size of a tennis ball and green peppers so discolored with splotches it looked like they'd started to rust.

But it's always like that.

Here's a picture my friend Gary Wishnatzki took of a Camino Real strawberry he found in one of his fields in Plant City, Florida.

I've known Gary since I was about three years old, and still remember his dad grew the best tomatoes I ever tasted (I also remember watching TV at Gary's house ... the first time I'd seen color TV :-)

Gary said the recent cold has made the strawberries taste sweet as sugar, too.