I really need to get a grip on my Googling.
Lots of folks either go the gym & lift weights, do aerobics, run extreme distances or actually do all three to get their cardio going. Then there's me, who achieves maximum intensity by reading the bloggers I disagree with the most.
That's how I came across this item from a blogger complaining (this time) about Charismatics.
"He reports on some recent jaw dropping incidents within nationally known charismatic churches, including one church where the pastoral staff convinced all its wives and staffers to get breast implants."
She's not clear about whether the "staffers," as in most churches, includes men ... which leaves some pretty ugly images left to our imaginations.
The point here has nothing to do with breast implants or Charismatics (like emerging/emergent churches, definitions and distinctions don't make much sense to me). My point is that after Googling for 45 minutes I failed to find the original source for this story, or a single documented reference to where this much-linked "jaw dropping incident" actually took place.
Guess it could've been anywhere, or it might've been nowhere ... it doesn't matter so long as the allegations and rumors are consistent with that blogger's worst fears and confirm her suspicions that folks who don't believe the way she does are bad apples indeed.
PS. Wonder what they called their capital campaign???