I always look forward to finding the latest X-treme geek catalog waiting in the mailbox.
X-treme geek has a catalog of innovative gadgets and cool tools for those of us who live with one hand glued to a mouse and the other to a hot key.
Most of their products are really awesome ... like a turntable with a USB cable so you can dub your old LPs directly to your hard drive
Here's a Wi-Fi radio that plays web music without requiring any connection to a PC (I'm not sure if Macs can log-on to the web, connect to a network, play music ... or boot-up without crashing).
But a few others left me laughing with the visuals ...
Ipod Illuminated Earbud Cords
Yeah, so you're wearing your illuminated earbud cables next time you're out dancing ... and suddenly Homeland Security shows up, locks the door and quarantines the building ... reacting to "grave concerns" that a toxic radioactive substance somehow found its way into the club's tap water, and turned patrons into phosphorescent human anatomy models.
Uncle John's Inspiring Bathroom Reading
Oh boy. I don't even need to say anything, do I? So I'll pass [Sorry] on this one instead.
Portable Agitating Washing Machine
"Here's an agitator washing machine that is truly portable. You can just pick it up! Long haul truckers and RV enthusiasts will love it and it's ideal for cramped dorm rooms, guest houses or cabins."
Dude! It's called a sheetrock bucket! Go grab the laundry soap, find a broomstick, and get those clothes clean!
Matrix Adapter Adds Multi-Display Capability To Your Laptop
"The Matrox DualHead2Go. It doubles your laptop's existing video out capabilities, providing independent output to two adjacent monitors simultaneously."
That's what I've been waiting for ... now when I'm working wirelessly from the couch I can drop my laptop, spill my coffee, scare Luke senseless, ruin my shirt, run from the room screaming with 3rd degree burns and drop two expensive flat-panel monitors on the floor just by leaning over to scratch my foot.
Technology is amazing, sure.
Friday's Blue Book Fun Trivia Quiz Playlist
When a lei-wearing Elvis impersonator groomsman shows up at your wedding, should you expect Jelly Donuts and Peanut Butter n' Banana sandwiches at a Blue Hawaii-themed reception?
Does the bride do The Twist to "Hunka Hunka Burnin' Love" coming down the aisle?
While we're swimming with the visual dolphins, The Blue Book recommends these two Robert Johnson classics:
"Preaching Blues (Up Jumped the Devil)"
"Terraplane Blues"