Friday, July 28, 2006

What good is English?

Here at The Blue Book, we strive to steer clear of political argument and debate.

The Blue Book knows the difference between what's wrong and what's right, and assumes you do, too. You come to The Blue Book whenever it's time to kick back, take off your shoes, sit by the fire and relax, comfortable knowing you've already made a separate peace with the outside world.

The Blue Book is our getaway cabin in the web-woods.

[OK, even I get carried away sometimes]

Anyway, somehow establishing English as the "official language of the USA" is controversial. Some say it's common sense, others say it's racist.

English probably won't be embraced as the official language of the USA any time soon. Probably not ever. In the meantime, here's a few countries that do:

Hong Kong
South Africa
Trinidad and Tobago

English may not be much good here in the USA, but around the world 402 million speak it, and only Chinese and Hindi have more native speakers.

Because The Blue Book Loves Its Readers Department
For all you phonological history fans, here's a riveting overview of The Trap-bath Split.