Man, I need some time off and doggone it, this time I'm gonna take it!
I'm not talking about spending the rest of the summer cruising the Med, or frolicking (can you imagine a 3-legged turtle frolicking?) on a glassy black sand beach in the Caribbean.
Driving up to Highlands for a long weekend and being car sick for an afternoon would be enough. The problem was I couldn't figure out how to afford it.
Then today I saw a commercial on TV that said I can get the cash I need for my vacation by taking out a title loan on my car. They're actually gonna give me cash so I can sit back and stop worrying about paying off my bills! It looks so easy it's amazing.
And I'm so pumped I can't stand it, because now I've got extra cash to blow on anything I want! Shoot, folks who think you shouldn't take a vacation just because you can't afford to must have all their numbers wrong.
Maybe my brain's what's actually gone on vacation. Geepers.