I don't have claim to any kind of gift of prophecy at all. In fact, anytime I can remember where I'm heading after riding an elevator more than one floor is almost enough to make me throw a party.
Whoever wrote "Hindsight is always 20/20"apparently didn't know about me, because no matter how obvious the reasons my mistakes might seem I still end up squinting, scratching my head and thinking, "Wonder why that happened?"
Am I really that dense? You decide: I'm one of the folks who get credit card offers in the mail and think it's because somebody at the bank likes me. When somebody blows their horn at me in traffic I think it's somebody I know trying to get my attention so they can wave hello.
In other words when it comes to having vision, if I ever had it I forgot where I put it.
So before I forget what I was saying, I want to talk about the old building.
I liked the old building. I really did. It was my "first" building and I loved everything about it. I liked the simple layout, I liked that the donut room had riser seating, and I liked that the old building was only a 5 minute drive from home (if I caught every green light).
I liked the volunteer room because it had desks arranged in a horseshoe with a podium that made KT seem like a busy MC. I liked seeing how every part of the service came together and I loved how the air seemed to suddenly still in the auditorium each time the countdown started.
I even liked what the auditorium smelled like after it was vacuumed. I really did. Maybe what I liked most about the old building was that the green room was made from black sheets hung from the ceiling.
But with 5000+ people showing up every Sunday and overflowing the overflow, it doesn't take a mathmetician to figure out that Bigger Really Is Better, and the time had come to move on.
So I want to be very careful about saying this ... it's nothing more than my own impression.
Sitting 4 or 5 rows back from the stage tonight before the 6pm, I glanced back behind me and had to look back two more times to make sure I was seeing right ... I was shocked at how small the new auditorium seemed. Even with 2500 seats.
Maybe because the new auditorium was packed.
I feel silly saying this but suddenly I felt sorry for the new auditorium ... because I don't think it's gonna be the new auditorium very long.
I had the feeling as real as if I'd been smacked in the face that the new auditorium is gonna get outgrown faster than anybody on earth can imagine.