Never mind going to movies. Save your money and forget about it. Spending time with good friends is far more worthwhile.
Yesterday afternoon I dropped by Ken & Meg's to deliver Gardner's giraffe (these things take time).
Always one of the world's two most gracious and hospitable hosts, Ken cooked up some chai so strong it turned my earlobes brown, and packed so much caffeine that I didn't bother starting the engine to drive back home.
Maybe that's why I was up at 2:45 AM ... I needed more caffeine.
Ken's one of the world's true good guys. I mean it and really. You can see Christ in every facet of his life, and there's absolutely nothing I'd feel uncomfortable discussing or asking Ken about for his perspective (he could change his last name to Wisdom and keep the same initials).
I can even almost forgive him for using and endorsing Mac ... but not quite.
Ken thanks again for setting such a Godly, rock-solid standard.