Some odds n' ends to wrap up Friday...
"Friends" is on Thursdays
No no no, not that rank TV show, I mean live friends.
Started off with an unexpected phone call, which led to some serious business and finally Beaning with McCoy.
A little while later a frantic phone call from Jolley had me on the receiving end of a blistering, old fashioned behind-the-woodshed lashing from Paul M.
After a quick follow-up with Ken, the day wrapped up with a racous spaghetti outdoor dinner-on-the-deck at The Jolley House with Jamie, Emily and, unfortunately, 4-legged Squirt.
Squirt actually bit me; that hamster/squirrel mix Moorheads convinced dj is actually a dog only weighs 10 ounces ... but 9 of those are teeth and bad Wish-I-Was-Bigger attitude.
Still, it's all good ... that furry, yapping cross-eyed pagan sock of a so-called canine broke off two teeth clamping down on my knuckle ... and couldn't even break the skin (this afternoon while dj's out running errands, I'm gonna swing by the house and teach Squirt how to swim).
I enjoyed spending practically all day with friends ... and just now realized I know every one of them because of church.
Good deal.