Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Getting to know you ...

According to Ken, these are just a few of the "Would You Rather ..." questions folks had the challenge of answering last night during their Home Group's first "at home" meeting.

-Have Boba Fett-like thrusters in your nostrils OR retractable roller blades on the bottom of your feet?

-Have a foot long eyelash you can never pluck OR an earlobe the size of a basketball?

-Have your eye fall out at random times OR have uncontrollable constant drool?

-Have one giant tooth OR millions of tiny teeth?

-Get a bad tattoo OR have bad teeth?

-Wear a life vest the rest of your life OR a pair of parachute pants?

-Have one leg ridiculously shorter than the other OR arms that don't bend?

-Eat 3 lbs of hair OR Drink a gallon of shampoo?

-Have caterpillars on your face moving around on your eyebrows OR or be trailing paprika wherever you go?

-Have needles for leg hair, OR have flares shoot out of your nose every time you say the word "the".

-Hit every red light for the rest of your life, OR always be wrong?