Thursday at lunch I thought McCoy was gonna throw me on top of the table and use a butter knife to get urgently busy finding out "What's wrong with you?"
Talk about sudden fury.
All I'd done was confess I hadn't voted in the last election, or even the one before that.
Can we put politics aside for a minute, please?
Both national political parties are morally corrupt: Democrats are Godless self-serving liars bankrolled by secular humanists, eco-freaks, trial lawyers and liberals dedicated to expanding their "progressive" agenda with moral relativisim and destroying our fundamental freedoms.
The Republican Party's been bought and paid for by blood-sucking corporate interests dedicated to stealing everybody else's money (like banks, pharmaceutical and petro-chemical monopolies), and shamelessly profiting from selling advanced (translation: highly-profitable) weapons systems to already-indebted Third World countries while ignoring their impoverished populations. And to destroying our fundamental freedoms.
I know God-fearing, Christ-loving people on both political sides, and they'll never see eye to eye on the issues. The fact that they'll turn around and vote against each other's ballots during an election is kinda puzzling ... and seems self-defeating.
No matter what your political affiliation, the simple fact remains that in this corporate-funded democracy, the candidate with the deepest pockets typically wins ... and immediately sets out to repay campaign debts and obligations by granting favors and privileges to his/her friends and sponsors while ignoring the nation's interests.
Big corporations, labor unions and PACs know this: that's why they hedge their election bets by generously contributing to both candidates on both sides of the issues.
And when it comes to being "representative," one well-heeled lobbyist in the D.C. Beltway packs more punch than 500,000 constituents back home.
It's almost like every four years our federal government is put up for sale at public auction, and goes to the highest bidder.
But what about hot-button topics like abortion? Or gay rights? And what about protecting our borders against terrorist attack?!
What about less time dwelling on fear and more attention focused on spreading the gospel ... and remembering that God alone is sovereign and in control at all times, no matter which party gets elected?