Wednesday, October 4, 2006

Solaris (2002)

Since 2004 I've probably re-watched Steven Soderbergh's Solaris (an Americanized remake of Andrei Tarkovsky's 1972 original Solyaris) more than any other film ... you wouldn't believe me if I said 20-25 times, but Chris W. would probably shrug and point out that the actual number is at least twice as high.

I was thrilled this morning to read that Ken and Meg watched "Solaris" last night, and rapaciously devoured Ken's review.

Coincidentally, LOST Season 3 starts tonight ... and there's more than a few similarities between LOST and "Solaris"

Is "Solaris" destined to be remembered as a great movie treasure? There's no way. Was it even necessary to repackage a classic like "Solyaris" for American audiences, by turning it into a romance? Not at all.

Then why watch it so many times?

'Cause I don't know the answer to this: how far would any of us go, and how much could we overlook, to have a second chance?

Imagine you were madly in love with a person, but then something you did in anger that you should have controlled resulted in that person's death. What would you do to have another chance, and make that pain go away?

If you could, wouldn't you want to have that person back?

But what would your reason be? To give that person another chance at life ... or to give yourself another chance at life with someone who looks, acts and even feels identical to the person you loved ... except that this "new" person is only playing a role you created, with no memories of their own except yours.

Would that really be the same as having a second chance?

There's more to say, but right now I gotta find out who's making all that racket in the kitchen ...