Sunday, October 1, 2006

Villanova Junction - (Second Update)-This Is SO John Mayer WEIRD

Live at Woodstock, as full of color, vision and intensity as it is, may be the clearest illustration why Jimi Hendrix's death was such a tragedy.”

"Mitch Mitchell is a monster on drums, his heavy kick and otherwise busy attack a counterpart to Jimi’s guitar work.

"That [Hendrix] could not bring to fruition all the ambition inherent in this project makes his untimely death all that much more of a tragedy.

Villanova Junction ... is, like so many Hendrix ballads, a real keeper ... it suggests just how many directions Jimi would have been capable of pursuing had he lived." -source

Villanova Junction starts 15 seconds into here.


I love this song.

But it took years before I thought I understood why, after re-ordering space/time with his "Purple Haze" guitar solo [see 1:26-2:24 here], Jimi Hendrix followed with this unusual song, ended the 60s and closed out the Woodstock Rock Festival.

Here's how to play ...

This song is an instumental tune in A





credits here.

If you got to and enter "Villanova Junction" as your search term, it takes you to the John Mayer page.

Ya'll cut it out, for pete's sake.