Wow, all day I've like a feather's tickling the back of my throat and every joint's getting a continuous electrical shock ... like what you get sticking a metal fork in the toaster trying to coax a stuck waffle from the inside.
Ok, maybe not quite that intense.
How many weeks has the flu been keepin' the man down? Long enough, yet too long to be whining about.
Housekeeping Department
One of my goals for next week is to reorganize The Blue Book so the posts are sorted into different categories like Humor, Friends, Music, Miscellaneous, Technology and Seriously Spiritual.
I've been concerned about posts sometimes launching like rockets into space and then jettisoning unfamiliar readers at strange, ambiguous destinations. Like when I jump from serious spiritual topics immediately to a post about Justin Timberlake before moving on to posts about friends from Paris in the 1920s.
And only readers familiar with McCoy are likely to make sense of Orp, The Frashleys or see why Trigger's ESP is amusing.
Hopefully the sorting and reorganization will make sense, or at least be less distracting.