I hate cell phones. Used to have one, and chucked it.
If less than 7% of communication is verbal then why do people voluntarily pay onerous charges and overtime fees each month to have a remotely-triggered device attached to their belts (or carried loose in a purse) that leaves them slobbering and as frantic as Pavlov's starving dogs every time the dinner bell rings?
And talk about nuisance calls, I hate 'em. Come to think of it I'm not even sure why I have a telephone at the house ... because it's so much better spending time with you face to face.
That got me wondering what God must think when he hears the typical late-night prayer ("Now look, if you'll let me win Powerball then I promise ..." or "I've learned my lesson and if you'll get me out of trouble I'll do anything you want ... oh, and this time I mean it."
Are we trying to play Let's Make A Deal with the creator of the universe? Or are we pestering God with nuisance prayers on a hunch, like he's some rich uncle we only call when we want something?
Even when we pray and ask God's will be done, is that what we really want or expect?
I get the feeling "I'll do anything you want" or "Let your will be done" comes with a few strings attached ... conditions like, "So long as I make good grades and get a prestigious career, live in a bigger house than my enemies, stay in good health and drive a car no more than 2 years old. Yeah, and because you love me and dating is such a hassle I'll need The Perfect Spouse delivered to my doorstep by the end of the month, please.
"Lord if I get all those things then I'll really know you answer prayers, and in exchange I'd probably tell my friends you exist ... so long as they didn't think I was some kind of nut."
Hmmm, I'm just not sure that when Jesus promised "the abundant life" he was referring to record-breaking lottery wins, Ipods, 60" plasma TVs, BMWs, swimming pools, mates made-to-order or retirement and health packages ... but meant living his plan for our lives instead.