Yeah it's silly but I've got accounts at both MySpace and Facebook.
It's silly and a distraction ... not to mention a waste of time ... because I've also got this awesome and virtually unused technological marvel sitting on my desk that makes social networking sites 100% obsolete.
It's called a telephone.
An Open Plea to De-Sleaze, Please
You need to have each other's numbers to qualify as "friends" but one of my MySpace"friends" is Jill Wagner, "The Mercury Girl" from TV car commercials.
I'm not posting it here but today Jill's new profile photo shows her posed in a black two piece something-or-other that might've been sewn by a middle schooler inspired by a Victoria's Secret catalog ... if he was a sci-fi fan, called his sister a Murloc and blogged about the government's secret military bases on Mars.
Her hip-slung-low pose, overdone base, "I'm so totally always here for you" facial expression and torched-dry hair styling all suggestively combine to render her inextricably anonymous among the thousands of bikinied actress wannabes who sincerely believe the road to box office success is paved with skin and curbed with cleavage.
Because they have nothing else to offer.
Probably not at all what she intended ... the image is painfully superficial and disappointly falls short of intriguing or even engaging the viewer. It doesn't even hint Jill might have a unique presence or personality we'd be interested in finding out more about. Unless you're a 14-yr old boy, the photo amounts to a big So What?
It's like trying to out-Paris Paris Hilton. Even if you could, where would that leave you?
Jill, you're trying to blend into the crud crowd when you've got absolutely no reason at all to try to.
And if you were paying big bucks for my advice that's just what I'd tell you.