Thursday, November 30, 2006

Total Recklessness - Updated

Not since The Blue Book first went online back in 1893 has a single song ever been featured three times on The Playlist. Much less three times in one week.

Are we breakin' all the rules? Not by a long shot ... we're just gonna break this little one:

Open Up Your Eyes - Tonic
Your goal is to share this song with all the folks glued to their TV sets over in Belton & with all the weary-eyed commuters stuck in traffic between Columbia and The Electric City ... thus for tonight the volume knob is your very best friend.

Wasn't FF a gorgeous bride?

Yes, she was ... but as her dad, sorta, that didn't stop me from filing for an annulment beforehand and it was the Zebra Swimsuit I found her packing for her honeymoon that did it.

Sometimes it's hard being Papa, and looking out for your daughters.

No, it isn't ... and she's doing Hard Time Restriction till further notice. Now stop staring at my genetics.

Play it loud enough to hear over a leaf blower, that's my guess.