Saturday, November 4, 2006

Notes from The Cue Book .... Wanderings of A Poet Wearing Four Metal Shoes

Hay you.

Here's a short list of things you didn't know about me.

1. I'm allergic to saddles (hint hint)
2. Mares treat me like I'm invisible ... and it's not even my fault
3. I like burping, except I can't do it
4. Nobody ever asks if I have a favorite set of shoes
5. I can count to four, but can't dial a telephone
6. Prancing makes me look like a sissy
7. Using the wrong bit makes my breath smell like onions
8. I keep confusing "Yo" with "Whoa"
9. I can laugh out loud ... but only when I want to
10. I can project my whims and whinnies into the minds of simpletons and dim-wits

Whoa, Boy! Another Dull Saturday Night in the Stall Haylist:

Ride on Pony - Free
Midnight Rider - The Allman Brothers
I Go to the Barn Because I Like It - Band of Horses

---papa horseback