Friday, October 30, 2009

24x7 bug

I haven't written a new post in exactly a week.

One night earlier this week, I had a 24 hr bug. (I actually prefer the 24 hr variety to the week long type, b/c even though the former is more virulent, the recovery period for the latter lasts far too long to remain interesting.)

This bug only lasted for 24 hours but apparently it's taking me a week to completely recover.

Fatigue and the lack of physical strength are enemies ... at least, so long as we're living in these jars of clay.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Imagine you were the richest, most famous, and most attractive person on the planet

Sound pretty good so far? Let's make sure we did't miss anything.

If riches, fame and attractiveness weren't enough, go ahead and tack your personal wish ... whether to be influential, prestigious, glamorous, socially prominent or anything else you'd like ... just add it to the list and imagine that person is you.

Now that all your dreams have come true, are you starting to feel like the happiest person on the planet?

Let's keep going ... and imagine that your wealth, fame and attractiveness only lasts 1/10 of a second.

All gone now, sorry.


So, what was it like being the richest, most famous and most desirable person on the planet for a tenth of a second? Was it all over much too quickly? Everything we wanted, all the things we thought would make us happy, suddenly vanished in the wink of an eye.

Are you thinking, "Wait a minute, it didn't last long enough! That's not fair!"?


Five years from now, that happiest one-tenth of a second of your life will be fairly hard to remember. Just like 100,000 years into eternity, an entire lifetime of fame, wealth, power and prestige will feel like infinitely less than a tenth of a second.

Makes me wonder why some people use the eye-wink length of their lives to pursue fame, wealth, power, prestige or popular acclaim.

Especially since Christ offered us eternal life.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Identity Crisis: Who Am I?

"Identity Crisis" is a label often applied to folks who find themselves in a life-turmoil. The term nominally applies to folks who're having a tough time "figuring out their purpose and where they fit in the Universe."

Who Am I? Where am I going? What is my ultimate purpose and why do I matter?

Those are the kind of questions typically associated with adolescents, to folks in their teens who've just had their first glimpse of Real Life and who're apt to feel perplexed, helpless and uncertain of themselves and of their ability cope with new situations and dilemmas.

But an Identity Crisis can also occur in folks who've just experienced a life-changing crisis ... like the death of a child or spouse, an abrupt divorce (after years of apparent happiness and stability), a sudden "termination" from work, a loan default followed by home foreclosure, a physical malady requiring a painful "surgical procedure" ... or even because of very small things, like the joint paint that lasts more than a week, the glimpse in the mirror that reveals sagging skin, the first gray hair or the the indisputable proof of a receding hairline.

Oh man, what's happening to my life! I'm getting OLD!

Life has a way of pitching curve balls over home plate ... and all too often, the curves start coming just as we're feeling ready to knock the next pitch out of the park.

Who am I ... and how could this happen to me? What did I do to deserve it?


How do I know God exists? How can I keep focusing on Christ and reject the importance of the "real" things in life like love, money, security, prestige, fame or material possessions, and put my faith in an invisible Creator?

The answer might not be easy, but this illustration is indisputable: any man or woman enduring the most painful, traumatic, life-changing series of events in their life need only walk away from their old life, surrender themselves to God, beg his forgiveness and accept Christ as their Savior and that man or woman will receive salvation, eternal life and the forgiveness of every sin.

God is that powerful, that just and that merciful. The proof is that God loves us more than we can comprehend.

Speaking of "real life," imagine how different the outcome would be if you'd just been fired ... and then confessed to your boss everything you'd done wrong every single day of your life, surrendered to him (or her) and begged for a fresh start from the beginning?

Imagine if your home was in foreclosure and you marched into your loan officer's office, threw yourself on the floor and begged for the bank's forgiveness? Would you receive forgiveness and an eternal extension ... or just a prison detention?

The reason we keep making bad choices based on WHAT I WANT, and then run full-speed into brick walls and damage ourselves, is because we forget how much God loves us.

God is real, and only through Christ can we receive the grace, forgiveness, Salvation, purpose and identity that lasts.


Who am I? Nothing. Truly. I am lost, worthless and condemned without Christ.

But please don't miss this: So are you.


This is one of my favorite quotes, and if I had 50,000 words I couldn't add anything to it:

"Many people are trying to define who they are by a position or a title. Position or title will never satisfy your soul or define who you are. We must define ourselves by who we are in Christ alone." - Jake Beaty

Linux ya no Windows?


By Victoria Ho ZDNet Asia
Posted on ZDNet News: Oct 14, 2009 4:38:52 AM

The Linux desktop experience is now closer to the Windows environment than before, but the gap in mainstream adoption for the open source OS will not close anytime soon, says an industry analyst.

Laurent Lachal, U.K.-based senior analyst at IT advisory firm Ovum, said inconsistencies across Linux distributions still stand in the way of wider user uptake.

"For one, Linux has two main GUIs (graphical user interfaces), KDE and Gnome. Some see that as choice, but overall it confuses the market," Lachal told ZDNet Asia in a phone interview. He added that each GUI is further tweaked for different distributions, further compounding the disparity.

Different distributions also have different ways of allowing users to perform tasks, such as terminal commands.

Some distributions also try to mimic Windows as closely as possible in order to entice Windows users to migrate, but has often resulted in only "good enough" experience for "basic" enterprise tasks.

-full story and original source here

Friday, October 16, 2009

Faith in a box

A movie titled The Box is scheduled for release on November 6, 2009. The plot sounds pretty intriguing:

Norma and Arthur Lewis, a suburban couple with a young child, receive a simple wooden box as a gift, which bears fatal and irrevocable consequences. A mysterious stranger, delivers the message that the box promises to bestow upon its owner $1 million with the press of a button. But, pressing this button will simultaneously cause the death of another human being somewhere in the world; someone they don't know. - from

The storyline raises an intriguing moral dilemma: what would You do if the box was delivered to your doorstep, and all you had to do to collect a million dollars was to simply press the button ... knowing in advance that your decision would cost a stranger his life?


In real life, we've received the gift of eternal life through Christ and all we have to do is push the Witness button to share it.

But what happens to human beings all over the world who don't know Christ, people we'll never meet or need to impress, if we insist upon hiding our faith away in a box ... and refuse to push the button?

Thursday, October 15, 2009

"I can't imagine God would create a place called hell"

Ever heard a cannon shot? I don't mean a sound effect mixed into a war movie or the "digital cannons" featured on your favorite CD of The 1812 Overture.

Nope, I mean a real cannon fired within the proximity of your personal space.

For whatever reason, yesterday afternoon The Pride of Baltimore II was cruising back and forth on the Inner Harbor, firing volley after volley of her 19th century replica cannons just a couple of hundred yards from my slip.

The first shot lifted me from my seat; the second brought me back down and the third made me wonder if the Second Coming had arrived in Charm City. Each successive shot literally made Calypso's deck shake and her hatches rattle.

Thunder might be the loudest sound most folks will ever experience (unless they've pressed the side of their head against a jet engine spooling-up for takeoff), but a cannon shot is different: a cannon isn't necessarily louder (I wasn't standing beside it, after all) ... but the cannon's resonance gives its voice a hard-to-describe Presence and Authority.

No kidding. A cannon shot is like an earthquake, a thunder clap and a slap on the back of the head all rolled up into three quarters of a second.

In other words, until I'd heard it, I couldn't imagine such a thing. And just because I couldn't imagine what a cannon shot sounded like doesn't mean that cannon shots aren't real.

So far we've only talked about what a cannon sounds like: what do you think being on the receiving end of an all-night cannon barrage must've been like?

I can't imagine.

"I don't know"

This morning on TV an economist was quizzed, "Where will the economy be a year from now?"

The expert shrugged and confessed, "I don't know. Nobody knows." Hmmm. That got me to wondering, What does I don't know mean?

Does I don't know mean "I don't have an answer," "I'm not sure," "Opinion is still divided," or does I don't know mean "The information is unavailable"?

Or could I don't know also mean "There's simply no way of ever knowing" or even "I don't care"?

I dunno ... on the other hand, I don't know can also be used as an amazingly honest and straight-forward response. And that's the problem.

Because I don't know has so many meanings, sometimes we think we can hide behind I don't know when the reality is that We DO know ... we'd just rather postpone thinking about the inevitable or avoid dealing with what's inescapable.

You know, like death ... and where we'll spend eternity.

Know therefore that the LORD your God is God; he is the faithful God, keeping his covenant of love to a thousand generations of those who love him and keep his commands.
- Deuteronomy 7:9

For we know that since Christ was raised from the dead, he cannot die again; death no longer has mastery over him.
- Romans 6:9

Now this is eternal life: that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.
- John 17:3

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

"I'm in touch with some important, famous and influential people"

I know some of the world's most famous photographers. I also know some very influential film directors and a few movie actors, too.

I correspond regularly with campaign-crushing political operatives, authors, advertising executives, investment bankers and men who possess stunning 9-figure financial wealth.

Wanna know something else? I know also know and associate with drunks, addicts, porn performers, ex-convicts and prostitutes.

So which of these associations makes me more powerful, influential or important?

None of them. That's the answer: None. Zero.

The only identification that ultimately matters, or that has any importance or relevance, is my relationship with the risen savior, Jesus Christ.

Here's something else: the most important thing in life isn't having fame, a six-figure job, a sprawling house, a new car, a pool, a closet full of designer clothes, an annual vacation in Europe ... or even being popular, well-received or happily married. A hundred years from now, none of those things will matter or even be remembered.

The only thing that does matter is complete obedience to Christ and faithfully following him ... No Matter What my own dreams, goals or aspirations might be.

How can I say that?
Because Jesus loved me more than I can ever repay. And proved it by dying for my sins on the cross.

The Daraja Children's Choir

The Daraja Children's Choir sings "Mighty to Save"

Taking God for granted

Be honest: sometimes we live as though God's not around. And sometimes, we truly act as though he doesn't even exist.

I'm not only talking about the way we act, or about the times we commit the so-called "big sins" ... like, when believers chose to participate in an extra-marital affair ... and not just "small sins," like the times when stealing at work seems justified because "Somebody owes me something for everything I do around here."

Nor am I talking only about "sins of omission" ... not doing the things (like tithing) we're commanded to do.

I'm talking about taking God for granted when we pray. I'm talking about how we behave toward God when we're alone with him in prayer. Stop and think about what Prayer means for a moment.

Prayer essentially comes down to you (accompanied by your thoughts and attitude) standing alone before God the Father, seeking communication with the Creator of the universe.

Sometimes I think that if every time we closed our eyes to pray, if instead of seeing nothing we literally saw Almighty God standing before us, how very different the things we prayed for would be.

Tuesday: time for church!

Two more service times are available at the NewSpring web campus:

11:45AM and 8:00PM EST.

This week includes the amazing Daraja Children's Choir from Kenya. Don't miss it!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Angels and Demons

Ever noticed how many people are inclined to believe in angels, and how few are inclined to believe in demons?

I believe in demons; I believe beyond any doubt that demons, and Satan, are real ... just as I believe that Satan and demons are at war against God. Just as I believe Satan and his demons are at war with everyone who professes Christ as their Savior.

Are you rolling your eyes?

Does that sound nutty or kooky?


Any excessive intake or misuse of alcohol lowers inhibitions. In the same way, so does the misuse of, or a dependence upon, street (or prescription) drugs.

Lowered inhibitions means our guard against Satan is also lowered and reduced: look no further than your local newspaper to see the consequences of drunk driving or crack cocaine.

The Holy Spirit would never tell you, "Go to a bar (or football game), have 12 beers, and feel confident about your ability to drive yourself home." Neither would the Holy Spirit deceive you, "Forget about paying your bills, just blast more cocaine through your brain." Nor would the Holy Spirit ever whisper, "What's wrong with smoking pot?" or "What's wrong with looking at porn, or having an adulterous sexual fantasy?"

So then, who do you think does encourage you to do any of those things?

The rules of religion

I've got a confession: lately, I've been thinking I'm heading from ADD straight into senility. I'm serious.

Look at these events from the past two weeks, and decide for yourself:

1. I dialed a phone number and immediately put the phone back into my pocket
2. On laundry day I left the boat carrying trash in one bag and dirty clothes in the other. Along the way, twice I caught myself trying to drop my clothes bag into the marina garbage bins
3. I started a pot of coffee, without putting the carafe in place
4. I started a different pot of coffee, without pouring water into the Mr. Coffee
5. I propped a water jug on the counter top under a running faucet, and only remembered the faucet was still on when I noticed the front part of the boat was flooding
6. I put food in the microwave and forgot to take it out. Until two days later
7. Made three trips to the mailbox and returned to the boat, without once actually checking the mail
8. Walked halfway down "J" dock looking for my boat, even though I live on "K' dock. Twice

Every one of those is true, too.

-- --

If salvation and eternal life depended upon following a rigid set of religious rules or remembering to jump through a litany of traditional hoops or having to conform to church dress codes, I'd be in deep long-term trouble.

God loved me too much to ever put that kind of responsibility in my imperfect hands.

Trust, and believe

your eyes saw my unformed body.
All the days ordained for me
were written in your book
before one of them came to be.

- Psalm 139:16

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Why is it so hard to forgive?

Ah, because we're not used to doing it?

Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.
- Colossians 3:13

The gas tank God gave us

... is filled up from Scripture.

These wicked people, who refuse to listen to my words, who follow the stubbornness of their hearts and go after other gods to serve and worship them, will be like this belt—completely useless!
- Jeremiah 13:10

It is not as though God's word had failed. For not all who are descended from Israel are Israel.
- Romans 9:6

He replied, "My mother and brothers are those who hear God's word and put it into practice."
- Luke 8:21

Saturday, October 10, 2009


(email from Vernon)

The word “whirlwind” is also the word I would use to describe our lives this year. Phew! However, God has shown himself faithful again and again amidst the busy-ness of life.

This past Sunday October 4th, we saw the culmination of a dream inspired in the hearts of two men. The first man is Dennes Senyagwa, a 62 year old graduate of the Baptist Bible College of Tanzania. He had started a church in the little village of Kwambe Tanzania. For the past year they have been meeting in a mud hut type building. His dream? To get a better building.

The second man is named Pastor Ron Williams of Sanford Florida. Inspired by the life... and death, of Rev. Tom Foltz, BBFI missionary to Tanzania, and my partner in ministry, Pastor Williams preached and challenged his people to give in order to build the Kwambe building, and dedicate to Jesus Christ, and the memory of Tom Foltz and his service for 10 years in Tanzania.

The end result? Over 700 people attended the service. 21 people accepted Jesus Christ as Savior, 25 people were baptized, and, I talked with Dennes Senyagwa today – 6 days after the “big day” - and he is doing classes with 20 people who wish to be baptized! PTL! By the way, it is important to teach the meaning of baptism since there are so many who believe contrary to the scriptures on this issue.

Please pray for this church as they deal with all the “new” things and issues that will arise after such a grand opening.

Friday, October 9, 2009

The pointlessness of self-righteousness

If people can't see or hear God's righteousness, what makes me think the same people will see or be impressed by mine?

Thursday, October 8, 2009

The Apostle Paul: unfit for mission work

(I found this awesome letter at Acts 17:11 Reflections and Snippets)

The Apostle Paul: "Rejected"

Based on Bill Britton's classic; modified and expanded by Dean VanDruff.


To: Rev. Saul Paul
First Christian Church
Antioch, Syria

Dear Mr. Paul:

I have your application for missionary appointment before me, and will be as frank as possible concerning your qualifications as a foreign missionary. We have to be very careful in choosing our missionaries, and our Missions Board has reviewed your case thoroughly. We have decided that it would be unwise to send you to the foreign field for the following reasons:

  1. It has come to our attention that you are doing secular work on the side. We do not feel that making tents and full time ministry go together very well. [1Th 2:9] It seems that you do not have enough experience in trusting the Lord for your income. You should make up your mind whether you want to preach or continue your profession.

  2. Your previous actions have been very rash and unseemly for a minister. We learned that in a public meeting you opposed Dr. Simon Peter, an esteemed minister with a high reputation. [Ga 2:11-14] We also hear that you refused to compromise with other ministers such that a special council meeting had to be called in Jerusalem to prevent a serious split in the churches. [Ac 15:1-30] We frown on putting ideology before people. For your own good, I am enclosing a copy of Daius' Carnegus book on "How to Win Jews and Influence Greeks." [Ga 1:10, 1Th 2:4-6]

  3. You have conflicted with mature Jewish brethren in nearly every city you have visited who simply want to encourage the converted Pagans to be properly circumcised. Mr. Paul, you must know that these men are our most learned sages with a deep sense of the roots and history of our faith. As well, and more importantly, these men control the synagogues you could be ministering in if you would simply tone down your dialog into a more friendly and respectful exchange. [Gal 5:2-12]

  4. In checking back, we discovered your Christian education consisted of a three year course in Arabia. [Ga 1:15-20] We find that the Arabian school has not been approved by our accreditation board.

  5. Further, you admit to being an unskilled public speaker. [2Co 10:10, 11:6] Paul, surely you must know that people expect fine elocution from men of God, and that as a denomination we stand for the highest levels of excellence in the pulpit. Yet instead of going to much-needed oratory classes you spend your time making tents instead. From your correspondence, you also appear to be spending a considerable amount of time writing letters to insignificant little "churches" that meet in homes. [Ac 28:3-6]Honestly now; do you really think that such misguided activities are what will lead to your success in the world of religion? We strongly suggest that you put down your tools and set aside your pen, and instead practice hand gestures, facial expressions, and voice modulation in front of a mirror for several hours a day until you come up to par.

  6. It has come to our attention that you often emphasize "the power of God" and "the gifts of the Spirit." [1Co 2:3-5, 12:1-7] Also that you speak in tongues a great deal. [1Co 14:18]Surely you realize that such as this only drives off the better class of people, and attracts only the riff-raff. It would be better to tone down those more sensational forms of worship. You sound as though you are "off the deep end." [1Co 3:18]

  7. It has been proven to our satisfaction that you had hands laid on you at Antioch with prophecy going forth, [Ac 13:1-3] with none of the Apostles or Headquarters brethren present to conduct this ordination service in the prescribed manner.

  8. We see here that you have a jail record in several places. [2Co 11:23-27] If this is true, it puts you in a bad light, for our denomination has always stood for a high standard of civic responsibility. I fear it would damage our reputation to have someone representing us that had served time in jails and prisons. Frankly, Mr. Paul, we seriously doubt you could have been innocent and the judge wrong in so many cases. It just doesn't look right.

  9. It seems that you are a troublemaker, Mr. Paul. Several business men of Ephesus have written us that you were the cause of severe loss of business to them and stirred up a mob protest. You must learn to cultivate the friendship and influence of men and groups such as these. [Ac 16:16-22]

  10. We also have some details of a shameful "over the wall in a basket" episode at Damascus, [2Co 11:30-33] plus a stoning at Lystra, and several other violent actions taken against your ministry. [2Ti 3:11] Haven't you ever suspected that conciliatory behavior and gentler words might gain you more friends?

  11. We have learned through channels that following some trouble with a preacher on the island of Cyprus, you began to allow yourself to be known by the Gentile pronunciation of your name rather than the proper Hebrew. [Ac 13:4-11] Yet another conflict, and then a name change. This does not seem to us to be conduct becoming to the ministry.

  12. You admitted in your application that in the past you neglected such needy fields as Bithynia, just because "the Spirit didn't lead that way," and that you undertook a hazardous journey on the strength of a dream you had at Troas. [Ac 16:6-10] Mr. Paul, surely you don't expect us to go along with such flimsy and fantastic excuses for your seemingly purposeless wanderings.

  13. Many times you did not stay long enough, in our opinion, to get a church properly established. You left your converts many times without even a pastor to guide them, and without setting the church in order in some good hierarchical denomination. [Ts 1:5]

  14. We hear also from Troas that you preach too long, one sermon lasting almost twenty-four hours, even to the extent that a young man fell asleep and was seriously injured.[Ac 20:7-12] We understand that you claim to have restored his life and raised him from the dead by falling on him and embracing him. What nonsense! We need practical men in the ministry, Mr. Paul, not high strung emotional radicals. Our advice is for you to shorten your sermons considerably. We find that about twenty minutes is the longest a minister can hold the attention of his audience these days. Our motto is "Stand up, speak up, and shut up."

  15. It is reported from your home church that you could not get along with your fellow ministers; that John Mark--a commendable young man and nephew of one of our highest leaders--had to leave your party in the middle of a journey; and that you had a sharp quarrel with gentle, good natured Barnabas. [Ac 15:36-40] Now these men are well thought of in Jerusalem and we wonder why you are always having trouble with your fellow workers?

  16. We have notarized affidavits from four very popular and influential preachers: Diotrephes, Demas, Hymenaeus, and Alexander; to the effect that it is impossible for them to cooperate with either you or your program. [1Ti 1:20]

  17. From what we hear, you seem to think that you have some direct sanction from on-high, boasting about your revelations and that God has chosen you to reveal some "Mystery". [Ep 3:3-4] Can't you realize that any truth that is to be revealed would come through Headquarters to the recognized, established brethren, and that after it had been checked by our Procedure and Doctrine Committee that we would distribute it on to the field workers?

  18. Finally, we hear that you claim to be an Apostle. We know nothing of this being passed upon by the proper authoritative channels and wonder how you could back that claim up, when the last Apostle was voted into office right here in Jerusalem. [Ac 1:26] Now that our denomination is firmly established, why do you imagine there would be any need for God to continue the Apostolic gifting?

As you see, Mr. Paul, we feel definitely after close scrutiny of your case, that you are undoubtedly the most unqualified applicant we have ever seen, and my advice for you is to find a church where you can work in harmony, and use your past education as perhaps a Sunday School teacher.

I hope I have prevented you from making a terrible mistake in your life.

Most sincerely yours,

J. Flavios Fluphehead, SECY

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Running, Standing and Playing for Keeps

I found myself in a situation recently I wish I could've avoided. I didn't "have a dog in the fight," as the saying goes, but the folks who did elected to exit, rather than to participate.

I heard later that since "nothing happened," the event was "no big deal."

Of course not. No event is a "big deal" so far as spectators are involved. Especially when feet and great physical distance separate scribes from any chance of harm or physical danger.

Especially when someone else stayed, and stood in their place.

-- --

Why do people who proclaim Christ as their savior separate themselves into so many "religions," faiths, factions, traditions, translations and denominations?

Makes me wonder, Who Are We Serving and Worshiping.? To whom do we really belong?

To the Pope? To the Southern Baptist Convention? To Rick, Joel, Joyce or to whoever happens to be the dude with the latest or most profitable best-seller?

Makes me wonder, who'll be latest and greatest, next? (hint: only choose a Savior whom God called his Son, and who also rose from the grave after dying for your sins).

When everything mattered most, who stayed and stood in our place?


One day every one of us, no matter what our faith, denomination, religion or publication history, will stand before God to give an accounting of our lives (and He won't be stunned or surprised by anything we say).

But standing before the Creator and arguing "I got mad and went church-shopping because I knew you only wanted me to be happy" or "I decided it was OK to sin because you'd already forgiven me" or "Glorifying and satisfying myself seemed important at the time" promises to be the most profound opportunity for sounding unrepentant ... and just plain dumb ... imaginable.


Life does not come down to playing a game of personal favorites, choices, aspirations, goals, options or personal preferences. Our lives are the path we follow into Eternity ... and for believers, that means eternal life through faith in Jesus Christ ... and in Christ only.

Because eternity is for keeps.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Notes on Transients

There's not a single empty slip here at the marina this weekend.

Boating season's almost over, and a big annual street festival is taking place just a few blocks away. I haven't been; literally, the festival has come to me.

Via transients.


The marina rents empty slips to transients. I'm not a big fan of transients. In fact, I'm no fan of transients at all.

Transients know they don't belong, and interpret hospitality as a right to do as they please.


What's the difference between transients and liveaboards? Liveaboards pay full-time fees to stay here and therefore live that way 24x7x365. ; transients pay a weekend rate and will be gone next week; they're here to suit themselves and to have a good time.

Transients take their own rules with them whenever they leave home ... and in general, weekend transients seems to have no rules at all. Except doing whatever they want to at the moment, any place and any time of day or night, no matter who it offends, no matter who is inconvenienced and no matter who must pick up after them on Monday morning.