I correspond regularly with campaign-crushing political operatives, authors, advertising executives, investment bankers and men who possess stunning 9-figure financial wealth.
Wanna know something else? I know also know and associate with drunks, addicts, porn performers, ex-convicts and prostitutes.
So which of these associations makes me more powerful, influential or important?
None of them. That's the answer: None. Zero.
The only identification that ultimately matters, or that has any importance or relevance, is my relationship with the risen savior, Jesus Christ.
Here's something else: the most important thing in life isn't having fame, a six-figure job, a sprawling house, a new car, a pool, a closet full of designer clothes, an annual vacation in Europe ... or even being popular, well-received or happily married. A hundred years from now, none of those things will matter or even be remembered.
The only thing that does matter is complete obedience to Christ and faithfully following him ... No Matter What my own dreams, goals or aspirations might be.
How can I say that?
Because Jesus loved me more than I can ever repay. And proved it by dying for my sins on the cross.