Friday, October 23, 2009

Imagine you were the richest, most famous, and most attractive person on the planet

Sound pretty good so far? Let's make sure we did't miss anything.

If riches, fame and attractiveness weren't enough, go ahead and tack your personal wish ... whether to be influential, prestigious, glamorous, socially prominent or anything else you'd like ... just add it to the list and imagine that person is you.

Now that all your dreams have come true, are you starting to feel like the happiest person on the planet?

Let's keep going ... and imagine that your wealth, fame and attractiveness only lasts 1/10 of a second.

All gone now, sorry.


So, what was it like being the richest, most famous and most desirable person on the planet for a tenth of a second? Was it all over much too quickly? Everything we wanted, all the things we thought would make us happy, suddenly vanished in the wink of an eye.

Are you thinking, "Wait a minute, it didn't last long enough! That's not fair!"?


Five years from now, that happiest one-tenth of a second of your life will be fairly hard to remember. Just like 100,000 years into eternity, an entire lifetime of fame, wealth, power and prestige will feel like infinitely less than a tenth of a second.

Makes me wonder why some people use the eye-wink length of their lives to pursue fame, wealth, power, prestige or popular acclaim.

Especially since Christ offered us eternal life.