I believe in demons; I believe beyond any doubt that demons, and Satan, are real ... just as I believe that Satan and demons are at war against God. Just as I believe Satan and his demons are at war with everyone who professes Christ as their Savior.
Are you rolling your eyes?
Does that sound nutty or kooky?
Any excessive intake or misuse of alcohol lowers inhibitions. In the same way, so does the misuse of, or a dependence upon, street (or prescription) drugs.
Lowered inhibitions means our guard against Satan is also lowered and reduced: look no further than your local newspaper to see the consequences of drunk driving or crack cocaine.
The Holy Spirit would never tell you, "Go to a bar (or football game), have 12 beers, and feel confident about your ability to drive yourself home." Neither would the Holy Spirit deceive you, "Forget about paying your bills, just blast more cocaine through your brain." Nor would the Holy Spirit ever whisper, "What's wrong with smoking pot?" or "What's wrong with looking at porn, or having an adulterous sexual fantasy?"
So then, who do you think does encourage you to do any of those things?