Look at these events from the past two weeks, and decide for yourself:
1. I dialed a phone number and immediately put the phone back into my pocket
2. On laundry day I left the boat carrying trash in one bag and dirty clothes in the other. Along the way, twice I caught myself trying to drop my clothes bag into the marina garbage bins
3. I started a pot of coffee, without putting the carafe in place
4. I started a different pot of coffee, without pouring water into the Mr. Coffee
5. I propped a water jug on the counter top under a running faucet, and only remembered the faucet was still on when I noticed the front part of the boat was flooding
6. I put food in the microwave and forgot to take it out. Until two days later
7. Made three trips to the mailbox and returned to the boat, without once actually checking the mail
8. Walked halfway down "J" dock looking for my boat, even though I live on "K' dock. Twice
Every one of those is true, too.
-- --
If salvation and eternal life depended upon following a rigid set of religious rules or remembering to jump through a litany of traditional hoops or having to conform to church dress codes, I'd be in deep long-term trouble.
God loved me too much to ever put that kind of responsibility in my imperfect hands.