Saturday, October 10, 2009


(email from Vernon)

The word “whirlwind” is also the word I would use to describe our lives this year. Phew! However, God has shown himself faithful again and again amidst the busy-ness of life.

This past Sunday October 4th, we saw the culmination of a dream inspired in the hearts of two men. The first man is Dennes Senyagwa, a 62 year old graduate of the Baptist Bible College of Tanzania. He had started a church in the little village of Kwambe Tanzania. For the past year they have been meeting in a mud hut type building. His dream? To get a better building.

The second man is named Pastor Ron Williams of Sanford Florida. Inspired by the life... and death, of Rev. Tom Foltz, BBFI missionary to Tanzania, and my partner in ministry, Pastor Williams preached and challenged his people to give in order to build the Kwambe building, and dedicate to Jesus Christ, and the memory of Tom Foltz and his service for 10 years in Tanzania.

The end result? Over 700 people attended the service. 21 people accepted Jesus Christ as Savior, 25 people were baptized, and, I talked with Dennes Senyagwa today – 6 days after the “big day” - and he is doing classes with 20 people who wish to be baptized! PTL! By the way, it is important to teach the meaning of baptism since there are so many who believe contrary to the scriptures on this issue.

Please pray for this church as they deal with all the “new” things and issues that will arise after such a grand opening.