I'll never know if he was talking to me; I didn't bother turning around to look.
You don't want to read another long post and I don't want to write one. So let's go straight to the point.
To the angry person, angry words feel mighty good. Angry words make angry people feel powerful, and angry people think feeling important is the same thing as being important.
But guess what? Angry people are frustrated people and frustrated people are often too enraptured by their self-importance to see past anger's consequences.
-Angry people can't see past their angry words to notice No matter what the target of your wrath says and no matter how they act, Long-term, no one cares if you're mad. At best and in the moment, they're only concerned with either retreating, withdrawing or with protecting themselves or their dignity.
-An angry voice accurately reflects the inner rage an angry person feels toward himself.
-An angry person forgets that resentment can easily outlast the angriest tirade.