But watching TV news over the past few months might make me start thinking long and hard about what kind of world, as well as what kind of country and culture, today's kids will be growing up into.
I won't list or explain the issues involved; you certainly already know what they are. (As Americans, we might want to remember that no matter what happens here at home, chances are that the world doesn't much care (or even pay attention) and will continue pursuing their own national agendas as if we didn't exist. Or keep trying to destroy us, as if we are their sworn enemies.)
So what kind of world will that be for kids to face when they're adults?
I don't know, and neither do you.
I try not to spend time dwelling on it, nor do I pace back and forth trying to figure out how to write fiery letters to world leaders that will somehow make them all wake up and straighten out. I don't have any control over world affairs or what will happen to this country in the next 10 (or 50) years.
And neither do you.
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Does that sound socially irresponsible? Don't I have social obligations as a citizen to stand up and take a stand, one way or the other?
Let's re-word the question: Do I want to stand before God and explain why I spent time organizing or participating in political action committees on behalf of a particular political party? Do I want to stand before God and endorse any political party's platform?
Or, when I stand before God and face eternity, will any of those things even matter?
No, only one thing will matter then ... and it's the same and only thing that matters today.
But but but, what about our kids? What about the world they'll have to face?
I understand why people worry about tomorrow ... but at the same time realize that the world is filled with people who will die without knowing Christ. Billions of people who're alive today and in need of salvation right now.
And I also know that whether 4 minutes, 4 or 40 or 4000 years from now, God will still be in control.
No matter who's in the White House, no matter what the tax rate, no matter which party controls Congress, no matter where wars are being waged and no matter what the latest polls say the rest of the world is thinking.