Before we get started, here's a picture of a Tiger Shark:
Tiger Sharks can grow to be up to 24-feet in length and weigh up to 1900 pounds. Tiger Sharks are extremely aggressive by nature and Tiger Sharks are found in tropical waters all over the globe.
Tiger Sharks are known as "the waste baskets of the sea" because they'll eat anything ... fish, seals, squid, dolphin ... even old tires and automobile license plates. But Tiger Sharks love eating sea turtles more than anything else.
Given a menu choice at the Coral Reef Cafe, Tiger Sharks will order the sea turtle special every time.
"Nobody's gonna boss me around or tell me how to live my life!"
Why do so many non-believers insist on arguing that living according to God's word and following his commandments would somehow limit their freedoms or restrict their choices?
I mean, I've got the freedom to go swimming at night in a sea turtle costume, don't I? And I could choose to merrily splash and paddle toward the first exposed dorsal fin in sight, couldn't I?
Isn't that my right, if that's what I wanna do?
Folks can ignore God's commandments ... but it's much, much harder ignoring the consequences of choosing sin.