Ever thought about what a hard time the disciples seemed to have merely deciding on whether Christ was the Messiah or not, and then wondered how much they were paying attention during the three years of Christ's ministry on earth?
Ever shaken your head with disbelief, remembering how Thomas doubted Christ was resurrected ... until he put his finger in the nail holes? Or maybe you've even been a bit dismayed reading about the two disciples who argued over which one would sit at Christ's right hand in Heaven.
Ever imagined how the disciples could've seen Christ in the flesh, face to face, and not recognized who they were seeing?
How come they just didn't "get it" right off the bat? You know, like we do today (or act like we do).
What was wrong with those guys? Why did they so often seem to resist, complain and question Christ at every possible opportunity?
What must Jesus have thought about them back then?
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Something happened after Christ's ascension and return to Heaven, and it surely affected each one of the 11 remaining disciples in a profound, dramatic and undeniable way.
The thing that happened was that they believed, and they received the Holy Spirit.
None of them seem like dummies once you read what the disciples accomplished following the four synoptic gospels. In fact, church tradition tells us that 10 of the 11 died as martyrs, rather than deny Christ's resurrection. Each and every one of the dummies not only "got it" ... but 2000 years ago they got it right, too.
Wonder what Christ thinks about us today ... when we resist, complain and question him at every possible opportunity?